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Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire

Rebel Moon Movie: Finally I have watched Rebel Moon Movie which is Zack Snyder’s movie and when the initial reviews of this movie came, I was quite fond because they were very few. Of all the movies directed by Zack Snyder till date, this movie had the lowest ratings for me. This movie got average rating on the internet as well as on TV. But even after that I thought that it has happened many times that critics did not like the movie but people liked it very much and finally I watched this movie and everyone’s expectation from Zack Snyder’s movie is very high.

Rebel Moon Movie Story

So whether this movie lives up to that expectation or not, before that let us know the basic story of this movie. In this movie, we get to see the story of our main character who has been living far away from war for the last two years on a small planet where she earns her living by farming. But meanwhile people from Mother World come there and rule the whole world.

Rebel Moon Movie Story

Meaning, can you understand that there is an empire in the entire universe which is called Mother World and these people are the villains. They come here with their spaceship and now they want something from the people of these planets. What is that, you see inside the movie and these people gave 10 weeks time and after 10 weeks they will come and take that thing and destroy these people too.

Meaning we will destroy the entire planet. They have very destructive weapons which can destroy the entire planet. Our main character knows this. That’s why she set out on an adventurous journey so that she could bring the most powerful people in the universe to her team and with their help she could wage war against Mother World. What will happen next, you have to see inside this movie.

Is Rebel Moon worth watching?

Is Rebel Moon worth watching?

Now let’s talk about what kind of movie it is? So the first question that might be coming in your mind is whether the movie is Family Stay because the main character of this movie is female, so see, this movie is neither feminist nor feminist. This is a good movie. You don’t get to see any useless propaganda inside it. Even though its main character is a female, which is a good thing and I was already expecting that we will not see any propaganda in Zack Snyder’s movies.

Rebel Moon Movie Review

The second thing that I pay most attention to is the first thing, that is, how will the story be told? If the story is good then the entire movie or series is very good. Other things don’t matter as much as the story does. So the story of this movie is quite simple, predictable and you will not get to see anything new in it.

Rebel Moon Movie Review

The reason behind this is that this movie Rebel Moon is part one and its part one and part two are already in the development phase on Netflix, even its second part is going to be released in April itself, so you understand. Can you see how quickly they are releasing movies? So this is part one, so we will try to create this base inside this movie. For the whole story, here our main character is connecting people. Well, inside this you get to see a simple story.


After that we will talk about action because this is an action movie and Star Wars, this movie is being compared because Zack Snyder wanted to direct a Star Wars movie before but he did not get a chance so he made his own Star Wars movie. Has given.

So the action is also from the decent of the movie. You will not get to see some very extraordinary actions that say wow. There are decent scenes but no big war has happened yet because right now they are just connecting people. So don’t expect some extraordinary action from this movie. It is a simple simple movie and it is creating a base right now. After that, the performance of the actors of this movie is quite good. But you are not able to connect emotionally with anyone.

Rebel Moon Movie Budget

Along with this, the VFX of this movie. The budget of this movie is approximately 166 million. At first I thought that its budget would be very low, because I found its visuals to be very lacking. VFX will also be seen being compromised a bit at some places. In particular, things have been blurred, which I had seen even in the movie Army of Dad. I don’t know its region, but somewhere you will find VFX.

Rebel Moon Movie Budget

And there will be some reduction in visuals. Visually this movie is nothing extra ordinary, which presents some very amazing things in front of you. Especially you can’t compare Star Wars movies. This movie is nothing compared to Star Wars. There is nothing lateral. I am talking about visuals here and keep things aside, because right now it is being created on its basis, so we cannot say that all the movies will be useless. But visually, this movie especially is nowhere close to Star Wars.

So visually this movie is not that special.

Nor is there much strength in the story of this movie. Nor does this movie present you anything extraordinary. Meaning that there is no such moment in the entire movie in which you would say ‘wow’. You like a movie very much and after it

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