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Scam 2003 Volume 2 Review

Scam 2003, directed by Tushar Hiranandani, delves into the 2003 Stamp Paper Counterfeiting scandal, a staggering 30,000 crore affair. Drawing inspiration from the book ‘Telgi Scam: Reporter’s Ki Diary,’ the narrative revolves around Abdul Karim Telgi, portrayed by Gagan Dev Riar, the mastermind behind this elaborate scheme. The latest season is now available on Sony LIV, and here’s our take on it.

Plot Summary:

Abdul Karim Telgi (Gagan Dev Riar) comes under the spotlight after splurging on a bar dancer, revealing his substantial wealth. Politicians and law enforcement officers who aid Telgi begin demanding escalating sums to safeguard him. Telgi, oblivious to their ulterior motives, agrees. However, he soon discovers their intention to make him a scapegoat. A prominent Karnataka figure is kidnapped, with the abductors seeking a hefty ransom from the government. At the government’s request, Abdul arranges the funds, but a few upright officers become a thorn in Telgi’s side.


While the Stamp Paper scam may not be as renowned as the Harshad Mehta Scam, the subject matter holds immense potential, duly explored by the creators. The first volume traces Abdul Telgi’s rise to power, while the second installment charts his downfall. The portrayal of how politicians and select police officials conspired against Telgi is effectively executed.

Volume 2 places a greater emphasis on Telgi’s personal and familial aspects. The emotional depth, lacking in the first season, is notably improved. Particularly commendable are the scenes featuring Gagan Dev Riar and Sana Aman Sheikh. Sana Aman Sheikh’s character delivers a poignant line highlighting how criminals inadvertently affect their families, a thought-provoking truth.

The initial three episodes are compelling. Gagan Dev Riar delivers another stellar performance, displaying both impact and subtlety. He undeniably anchors Scam 2003. Following him, Mukesh Tiwari captivates with his commanding portrayal. Sana Aman Sheikh aptly fits her role.


While the team’s dedication to research is evident, there are moments of ambiguity in certain developments. Some events may be challenging to follow, leading to occasional confusion.

Following a strong start, the pacing falters in the last two episodes, occasionally feeling drawn out. Notably, the inclusion of famed Bhojpuri actor Dinesh Lal Yadav, while commendable, lacks depth in character development. The conclusion lacks the anticipated impact.

Technical Aspects:

Ishaan Chhabra’s music is serviceable, while cinematographer Stanley’s work is commendable. The jail sets are well-crafted. The editing in the final episodes could have been tighter, but the production values are commendable.

Director Tushar Hiranandani orchestrates Volume 2 capably. While the initial episodes are riveting, the conclusion falls short of expectations. However, the makers deserve credit for shedding light on a relatively unknown subject.

Final Verdict:

Scam 2003 Volume 2 kicks off on a promising note but concludes on a more ordinary one. The compelling narrative is bolstered by Gagan Dev Riar’s formidable performance. Despite some moments of confusion, the show remains engaging, thanks to its potent subject matter and intriguing moments.”

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