Sam Bahadur Movie 2023: Vicky Koshal, I see this person who has gone from being an actor to almost becoming a brand. And when you cast a character who’s a historical, inspirational figure in himself, it can get a little dicey. It’s very easy to believe him in such a role. In the film, Fatima Sanashik also stars as Indra Gandhi. One complaint I do have about that is that it’s just not imposing enough. And I think, my complaint is also with the character of Sam Mahadhar, all these characters are very historical context, they’re very important figures.. And that’s true for all of them. I understand wanting to root them in humanity, completely fair.
Sam Bahadur Movie Story

Sam Bahadur is the story of Sam Manekhshar, played by Vicky Koshal. And it’s essentially the story of how this person goes from his training days to becoming a field martial and everything that he’s done in between, the strategy, the wars that he has fought, all of it. Now the way Meghna Gullar writes just stories set in times of war is amazing. It’s, I think, genuinely one of my favorite genres, just Meghna Gullair filmmaking. Understandably, it’s the story of a field martial. So we’re going to see a lot of times that are either war tone or there are times when we’re going to see different strategies. All of these are very interesting to watch as films, I understand. But Gullar brings a very interesting touch to it, almost very humane touch to it. Before we get into that aspect, Vicky Kaushal as an actor is great, but here I found it to be a little unconvincing because there were places where you could feel that he had put on a character.

There are scenes, however, where we’re seeing Sam Minakshaw interact with the people around him, interact with his wife, his children, or the people that are working with him. Those scenes, ecto, are very well captured and on the other side also have been acted very well. So I think Vicky Kosh’s performance in this is pretty much like half and half. Another performance to consider in this film is Sanya Malutra as Sam Manekhshaw’s wife Cee Lu. Their chemistry together, considering they’re playing a married couple, is great. And it also helps that the meeting sequence and the song that’s playing at that moment is absolutely just heartwarming and just soulful. That is one thing I really like about this film is that the music is pretty good and that does elevate your film very often. But I digress, coming back to the point, their chemistry is pretty good. Sanya Malutra also does very well with what she is given.. But that’s true for all the side characters that we see in this film. We don’t get a lot of insight into their characters. But when there’s an actor like Sanya Malutra, I personally want to see more of her on screen.
Sam Bahadur Movie Review

Coming to the about the way Meghna Gullar just views this film. I think the lens on this film is very sensitive. It’s very well done. I think when we see times of war, when we see stories that are being told of war, the emotion that we expect the most is like just anger and hatred and sometimes jingoism. What I like about this film is that it doesn’t forget a very major emotion that we must have, which is empathy. Empathy for just all the lives that are affected in times of war. That empathy is present in Sam Mahadur, and that honestly makes this a much better film than it would have otherwise been. I think this film, if it were to be in anyone else’s hands, not Meghna Gullair, it wouldn’t have been as good a film as it is now. Considering that we’re seeing one man’s journey play out, a lot of historical events come and go, and so do a lot of historical characters, including also Sheik Mujibur Rahman, for that example. They just come and exit the plot. I do like the way this film is written because it doesn’t feel very jarring, this entry, exit, entry actors of characters.

I like how we also get an insight into how this person is with the people that work with him. It’s a very good insight into just like we see this person, it’s a story of valor, it’s a story of grit, it’s a story of just being brilliant strategically. But it’s like no man is an island. There’s a lot of people who are helping every person in this world succeed. And it’s nice to see the people that have surrounded Sam Manekhshaw and how his ideas came into fruition because of the people around him and also their bravery, their valor, their ideas of strategy. It’s also smart to cast Vicky Koshal in this role for that matter because he’s just the guy. He’s just such a nice guy.
I am in big support of giving humanity precedence over everything else. But us, maybe there is a way to make that imposition happen. I like that we get to see the way everyone in the film has that chemistry with each other. There’s also something to be said about cameraman Jay Patel’s work in this. The sensitivity that comes in this film, especially in the war scenes, I think a huge role has been played by the camera work also. It might at first seem a little lackluster, but I think in the way that the film was going on, that the theme that the film is following, the lens that the film has, that lacklusterness was necessary. We didn’t need to see the war scenes be just bloody and gruesome. What we needed to see was how Sam Manekhshaw is essentially working behind the lines. All of that is totally totally there. It’s like the film is very lengthy and it might feel towards the end to be a little draggy. We’re like, okay, let’s get on with it. We’ve seen enough. But I think especially the sequences where we enter the phase of Manekhshaw’s life where the 1971 Indopak war has started, those are some of the most interesting sequences to me because you truly get to see all of that a lot happens in that segment.
Final Verdict
Sam Manekhshah, as a film, might not be a brilliant film. It’s not a Razie. For sure, Razie is much better than this. But I do think there’s a lot that you can take away from this film, and it definitely is worth a watch. I’m still oscillating between a three or a 3.5 for this film, but I don’t know, considering all the pros and cons of the film and just how it is as a visual experience, my rating for Sam Bahadhar is three stars out of five.